VOYAGERS.IO & THE HEAT Participants Page


Welcome To The Bells

This series plays here from September 9th to 18th, 2024

The Bells were created more than twenty five years ago and experienced via private sessions in Los Angeles. Now they are available to everyone. 

The Bells are a non-verbal mode of communication, carrying new information that can change outcomes. They are not a soundbath. The best way to understand what they are is to experience them.

This series of The Bells is Earth-specific. Open the window and play them or play them outside. You can listen too. If you don’t have time, just press play for Earth. Try to notice the changes around you. 

Each day from September 9th to 18th, 2024, a new sequence of The Bells will play live on this site at 12 noon PST and then a recording will be accessible for 24 hours afterwards. Each sequence lasts up to thirty minutes. Each day builds on the last so play them every day if you can. 

Feel free to share this link with someone living in a different place, so The Bells can play in as many locations on Earth as possible. So far The Bells have played in over 70 countries.

Experiences of The Bells

‘We played it every day in the greenhouse. There are new buds on plants that haven’t grown in years.’ Carlos, Los Angeles

‘Errr. I can’t hear my tinnitus when I’m listening to this. OMG.’ Julz, London

‘Played it to Lake Michigan. When the last note struck, it started raining. WOW.’ S., Chicago

‘Just wanna let you know what a lovely connection to time and the universe the last bells were :)’ Wyatt, NYC

‘The Bells got us thru yesterday. It was so perfect.’ G, New Orleans

‘I carry my phone around - it’s rained everywhere the bells chimed!’ Sunny, Arizona

‘Good vibes here. I played The Bells all night and had dreams in which various forms of Gandalf showed up, then woke up and my eyebrows had grown almost a centimeter overnight!!! I’m not kidding!’ A, Ohio.

‘I just want to take this moment to tell you I’ve had the BESt sleeps of my life falling asleep listening to the bells. I don’t think that was the objective. I’ve managed to tune in everyday at some point somewhere… at home, in the car, on planes, at work and now here in Nashville in my hotel. I still don’t know what to expect but I look forward to that sacred time that gets carved out of a solid rock of a day.’ P, Nashville

‘Trippy and awesome! Makes me so curious and hopeful. And RELAXING! Love this journey. Thank you.’ D, Los Angeles

‘I was at the beach, playing the sequence and reached the moment at the end, where you’re supposed to hum along. At that moment two dolphins appeared right in front of me. Ten yards away in the water. They stayed for the whole humming part. Then The Bells ended and I got a strong feeling that the dolphins wanted me to play the whole thing from the beginning and walk along the entire length of the beach with them. So I did. And they kept in perfect step/swim with me. Always ten yards out in the ocean. Swimming in time with my walking. Then I saw another dolphin. And another one around them. Soon they were seven dolphins! In a squad, still swimming in time with my walk. I felt like  Richard Dreyfus’ in Close Encounters when he hears the ‘bom bom bom’ back from the aliens. Somehow, through the sequence, we were in communication! Every so often I’d look at my dog who was just sitting on the beach watching them - a dumbfounded expression on her face too. As the sequence came to an end, the beach literally ended and I couldn’t go any further. As the last note played, the last bit of sand ran out and the dolphins swam out to sea. It was one of the great moments of my life.’ Alex, Carpinteria

‘This is not for me.’ SJ, Burbank

Thank you and Enjoy!

If you want to know when The Bells are playing again, please sign up below or if you have any questions write to

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